L&S: First-Year Pathways


Support the Letters & Science Leadership Fund

The Letters & Science Leadership Fund creates learning experiences that stay with our students for their entire lives, including programs such as L&S First-Year Pathways.

Donor contributions make possible captivating seminars, world-class research programs and cross-disciplinary coursework that produce moments of discovery for thousands of undergraduates each semester. Students develop the critical thinking skills and open-mindedness that characterize an L&S education, becoming society’s connectors, synthesizers, and innovators.

Against a backdrop of shrinking state funding, your annual support is more important than ever to help our students make the most of their precious time at Berkeley.

Make a gift to the L&S Leadership Fund today.

Ways to Give to L&S

Charitable contributions offer an opportunity to support the mission of the College of Letters & Science and UC Berkeley in a way that reflects your own passions and objectives. For inquiries about how to make a gift, contact us at LSgiving@berkeley.edu or visit our Office of Development and College Relations.

More information on how you can contribute to the ongoing preeminence of L&S is available here.

Undergraduate Studies

For more information or questions about how to give to Undergraduate Studies, please contact:

Nathaniel Coghlan
Senior Director, Major Gifts, University Development and Alumni Relations